2003   2000 
  • External pressure and light influence on internal pressure in a spin-crossover solid [Zn : Fe(ptz)6](BF4)2
    J. Jeftic, C. Ecolivet and A. Hauser
    High Pressure Research, 23 (3) (2003), p359-363
    DOI:10.1080/0895795031000139127 | unige:3689 | Abstract | Article PDF
The relation between the internal pressure during spin-crossover is compared to the chemical pressure induced by dilution with zinc. Further, the light of a specific LIESST (Light Induced Excited Spin State Trapping) wavelength is used to induce partial stabilisation of high-spin state and thus shift temperature of the spin-crossover towards lower values. The de-coupling of the spin-crossover and structural phase transition is discussed.
Present paper is an overview of our efforts during the past few years to understand complicated corelations of physical phenomena related to pressure in Fe(I1) solid state spin transition systems. Some principal results concerning p, T, λ-experiments are extracted. In the context of correlation of the crystallographic phase transition with simultaneous HS LS relaxation and LS HS photopopulation, we show the latest results: Brillouin and magnetic measurements on the crystal [Fe(pt6](BF6)2.

 2003   2000 

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